

Voice of Fukushima's parents: Reasons why we are not evacuating voluntarily or not able to do

 Translation is Release Candidate)
The time of as long as half a year has passed like an arrow since the disaster of TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant had happened. In those days we have been trying to do our best as parents to protect our children from the influence of radioactive materials.

However, our misgivings have grown deeper day by day; “How long can we go on such a way of living?” And we have come to think, “When our government does not help us to evacuate, there is no way other than a voluntary evacuation”.
Kohriyama is already not the city which allows children live their healthy lives with confidence. Yet, our government has given higher priority to the need of economy than to lives of Fukushima prefectural citizens. Due to such a policy, how many people get badly hurt and wretched?

“After all, our voluntary evacuation is only the way”.
Such was a solution we, the couple, brought about.
However, it was not easy.

One of the reasons why we can not evacuate voluntarily is the issue of “money”.
Now, my husband is running a home business mainly on so-and-so. He became self-employed at the age of 35, and as long as 15 years have passed since then. He has been working as hard as he can for his family.
Yet, in this time of recession, our life can not be said to be an easy way. The situation also does not allow us make the savings.
In these days, when it is said even young people can not find jobs easily, if my husband, soon reaching the age of 50, quits his current works and moves out of the prefecture, is it possible that he really finds a new job?  Even if he is lucky enough, it would be almost impossible to maintain the present income. And, even though both of us work, can we keep up with that income?  The answer is “No”, I have to say.
Just in case we can not find any job, it is quite evident that atom of our savings will soon be exhausted. And then, what can we, the family, do?

In addition, my husband’s work is not only thing of what we loose as a result of our voluntary evacuation. It rips off from our children on so-and-so grades in the junior high school their familiar school life together with their ever cherished friends.

On the so-and-so grade of that school, three of students moved out during the last summer vacation. Before that vacation, I had an opportunity to talk with the mother of one, a male, of them. She told me that her family would take the courage to evacuate, as her husband had been in Tokyo as a job bachelor. But, she added that when she had told her son about the evacuation, he had said, “Why, must I move alone? None of all my friends would not dare to evacuate!”
 I believe undoubtedly, her son felt gut-wrenching, thinking unreasonable needs of being inhospitably departed from his good friends and transferring as an evacuation attempt.
Many of children evacuated voluntarily must have kept such unreasonableness in mind. Although it is true in fact that they had been given the “freedom of transferring”, it was never what they wanted.
Ever since my children were born, I have been putting the weight of my life on parenting. I have been doing so, for I have wanted to watch the growth of my beloved children in my daily life. I should have been granted such a wish in this land of Kohriyama, at least until my children would graduate from senior high schools.

But now after the nuclear disaster, it has become not allowed to wish parenting in Kohriyama. Even though I love the city of Kohriyama, I love the prefecture of Fukushima, I can never live there with peace of mind.
And yet, we see the high walls preventing our voluntary evacuation as intended. As parents we are full of miserable and frustrated feelings, and yet, the situation pins us here.
If such a situation goes on, the lives of our deer and sweet children would be threatened.
I desperately cry out (to our judges); please, understand parental concerns of the many people who want to evacuate voluntarily but still   tormented as they can never do so, and please, take a courage to make a bold decision in order to keep children with full of promise smiling brightly.

                    September 5, 2011

An urgent appeal to save the children of Fukushima! Support their evacuation lawsuit prior to the judgment day.

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