
告知 ①新宿アルタ前街頭宣伝 2月8日(土) 14時~15時 ②官邸前抗議 2月19日(水)17時~18時15分


Message from Noam Chomsky about support to the Fukushima Evacuate Children Lawsuit

On 2012/01/12, at 11:50, Noam Chomsky wrote:

It is a privilege to be able to lend personal support to the Fukushima Evacuate Children Lawsuit.  
There is no better measure of the moral health of a society than how it treats the most vulnerable people within it, and none or more vulnerable, or more precious, than children who are the victims of unconscionable actions.
For Japan, and for all of us, this is a test that we must not fail.

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