
告知 ①最高裁前抗議集会・「子ども脱被ばく裁判」棄却決定に抗議 2025年1月7日(火)14時~15時 ②新宿アルタ前街頭宣伝 1月11日(土)14時~15時


The map about radioactive contamination

14 children of Fukushima, the plaintiffs of the lawsuit, go to school everyday where the contamination level of radiation is dangerously high.

The map below shows air dose levels of radiation based on the data of “On the analysis of the radionuclide in the soil (cesium 134 and 137)”, announced by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan, August 30, in which we applied Chernobyl evacuation standard indicated as colored circles.

Click on the map to enlarge it!

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