
告知 ①官邸前抗議 10月19日(土)15:00~15:45  ②第20回新宿デモ 11月2日(土)JR新宿駅東口アルタ前広場 デモ集会前アクション12:30~ 集会アピール13:00~ デモ出発14:00




詳細は近日中にお知らせしますが、敬愛する旧知のチョムスキーさんからのメッセージの”There is no better measure of the moral health of a society‥‥”に深く共感しました(下線は大江さん)、とありました。


「新たな“東京裁判”を」       柄谷行人



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YouTube版   朝日ニュースター・OurPlanetTV
聞き手 白石草(OurPlanetTV)
ゲスト 弁護団 井戸謙一・柳原敏夫
2、人権の最貧民国入りを表明した「日本人の仕分けの夜明け」判決(1/14 脱原発世界会議)
動画(23分後)  テキスト 
発言者 弁護団 柳原敏夫




日時 2012年2月26日(日)午後1~5時
中継 同時通訳とインタ-ネットにより全世界に同時中継。
日時 2012年3月17日(土)午後1~5時
会場:郡山市男女共同参画センター(さんかくプラザ)2階 集会室
(郡山市麓山二丁目9番1号  TEL 024-924-0900)→地図
中継 同時通訳とインタ-ネットにより全世界に同時中継。


賛同のお願い:人権侵害の決定にNO!を 放射能の危険に正しい判断を下す「ふくしま集団疎開裁判」世界市民法廷の開催にYES!を


中国語版-中国  韓国語版-한국  ロシア語版-русский 



しかし、裁判所は、10月末の審理終了から45日の沈黙ののち、野田総理の「冷温停止」宣言と同じ12月16日に、子どもたちの申立を却下する「避難停止」を宣言(決定)しました。この決定は、裁判による世直しという子どもたちの期待を裏切り、原発事故の加害者である国と自治体による凶悪な人権侵害行為にお墨付きを与えた、最悪の人権侵害行為です。子どもの人権侵害の歴史に永遠の汚点を残すこの決定をぜったいに許す訳にはいきません(その詳細は、コメント(1) コメント(2) コメント(3)を参照)。






ノーム・チョムスキー (2012年1月12日)

 On 2012/01/12, at 11:50, Noam Chomsky wrote:

It is a privilege to be able to lend personal support to the Fukushima Evacuate Children Lawsuit. There is no better measure of the moral health of a society than how it treats the most vulnerable people within it, and none or more vulnerable, or more precious, than children who are the victims of unconscionable actions. For Japan, and for all of us, this is a test that we must not fail.

Noam Chomsky



その「世界市民法廷」の場に、世界最高の知性と倫理と勇気を兼ね備えた思想家・アクティビストの ノーム・チョムスキーが協力を快諾してくれました。

※ 参考

Court documents (excerpt)

Application for a provisional disposition (24 June 2011)
A Statement of Facts by Katsuma Yagasaki, Emeritus Professor at the Ryukyu University (8 September 2011)
A Statement of Facts by Eisuke Matsui, Director, Gifu Environmental and Medical Institute (28 October 2011)
The map about radioactive contamination (2 December 2011)
The Court Judgment (16 December 2011)

Message from Noam Chomsky about support to the Fukushima Evacuate Children Lawsuit

On 2012/01/12, at 11:50, Noam Chomsky wrote:

It is a privilege to be able to lend personal support to the Fukushima Evacuate Children Lawsuit.  
There is no better measure of the moral health of a society than how it treats the most vulnerable people within it, and none or more vulnerable, or more precious, than children who are the victims of unconscionable actions.
For Japan, and for all of us, this is a test that we must not fail.





◎ドイツZDFテレビ 「フクシマのうそ」(2012年3月12日NHK BS放送)


◎韓国公共放送局(KBS) 郡山と「ふくしま集団疎開裁判」 (2012年1月10日放送)

→真実を知るためには、 日本のマスメディアの外に出る必要があります。日本のマスメディアの外に通じる道は2つあります。
例 韓国公共放送局(KBS) 郡山と「ふくしま集団疎開裁判」 (2012年1月10日放送)
6、 日本のマスメディアの外(2)

The map about radioactive contamination

14 children of Fukushima, the plaintiffs of the lawsuit, go to school everyday where the contamination level of radiation is dangerously high.

The map below shows air dose levels of radiation based on the data of “On the analysis of the radionuclide in the soil (cesium 134 and 137)”, announced by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan, August 30, in which we applied Chernobyl evacuation standard indicated as colored circles.

Click on the map to enlarge it!

A Statement of Facts by Katsuma Yagasaki, Emeritus Professor at the Ryukyu University

Chapter 1: Massive health effects were recognized after Chernobyl accident (1986) in areas with the same extent of pollution measured as in Koriyama City

The same or even more amount of radioactive dust from Chernobyl accident was released over Fukushima Pref. A soil contamination survey published by the Science Ministry on August 30, 2011 (Appendix 500: Regarding the result of Soil Nuclides Analysis (Cs 134, 137)) shows the resulting serious pollution which is now officially recognized.

In Koriyama City 118 spots were measured where the simple average level of Cesium 137 concentration was found to be 161 kBq/m2. This is a level of 4.4 Ci / km2. With this in mind we can anticipate the possible health effects for the residents by looking at the city of Lugyny, Ukraine, where the same level of pollution was measured.

Lugyny is located 110~150 km west of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and is seriously polluted. It is within the designated heavily polluted areas where their average Cesium 137 concentration is 1~5 Ci / km2(37~185kBq/m2). Considering its distance from the plant its pollution level is relatively high. It is also located in the area where its converted air dose rate is almost up to 0.2μSv/h.

Table 1 below compares the pollution levels between Koriyama City and Lugyny. Degrees of pollution are sorted according to the classification of radiation pollution zones set by the Ukraine government. While the combined ratio of mandatory evacuation zones and voluntary evacuation zones is 13.3 % in Lugyny, the corresponding combined ratio in Koriyama City is 16.1 %, indicating that the areas polluted in Koriyama City are larger with relatively higher pollution levels.

However while the ratio of non-controlled areas with lesser pollution is 1.5 % in Lugyny, the corresponding ratio in Koriyama City is 27.1 % showing Koriyama City includes much larger areas of this zone. Therefore, we can regard that the overall pollution level in Koriyama City is about same or more less compared with Lugyny and thus can duly expect the same consequences such as emergencies of children’s sickness as reported in Lugyny after the accident.

Table 1. Pollution Contrast Between Koriyama City and Lugyny

From these figures we can predict the expected health effects for the people in Koriyama City by looking at the results of health surveys taken after the Chernobyl accident.

The Figure 1 below shows dynamics of thyroid disease and thyroid tumor occurrences observed among the children in Lugyny, Ukraine.
In Lugyny there was a surge in the occurrence of both thyroid disease and thyroid tumors 5 or 6 years after the accident (April 26, 1986) and its subsequent result was that in 1995, 9 years after the accident, one out of ten children suffered thyroid disease. The incidence of cancer and other serious diseases was developed among more than 10 % of the children with thyroid diseases accounting for about 13 cases out of 1000. Many children indeed suffered from such serious diseases. Usually just one or two out of 100,000 children get thyroid cancer so this indicates an extraordinarily high incidence.

It is unconscionable to allow children to remain in this high radiation exposure environment considering the expected effects in relation to thyroid disease and cancer.

The survey data makes it clear that there will be extremely high rates of disease in the future among the children in Koriyama City and other areas in Fukushima Pref. In spite of such a serious prospect, the government has allowed these children to continue to be exposed, and not even offered them iodine tablets. This is an unforgivable “mindless act by the government”. However, it is not too late and measures to evacuate the children must be implemented immediately.

The Court Judgment

The Judgment

              The Key Conclusion
The petition is rejected.

               The basic facts and reasons
I. Purposes of the petition

1. The obligator should not conduct educational activities for the obligees in school facilities located on points in areas where the average values of the air dose measurement, as shown in the attached “List of Environmental Radiation Monitoring Results”, equal or exceed 0.2 micro-Sv per hour at 50 cm or 1 m in height.
2. The obligator must conduct educational activities for the obligees in school facilities located on points outside areas where the average air dose measurement, as shown in the attached “List of Environmental Radiation Monitoring”, equal or exceed 0.2 micro-Sv per hour at 50 cm or 1 m in height.

II. The factual background

In this petition, obligees inhabiting in Kohriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture, and attending elementary and junior high schools claim that their human lives, bodies and health are seriously threatened in such a dangerous situation as cumulative values of radiation doses at the schools they attend exceed the annual maximum permissive limit of 1 mSv per year, due to the nuclear accident at TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant caused by the Touhoku district offshore Pacific Ocean earthquake, involving a large-scale leakage of radioactive materials, and demand the obligator to suspend educational activities in such dangerous areas and to conduct those activities outside such areas, based on the personal human rights and the right to claim to fulfill the duty to considerate safety.

III. Summary of reasons for the judgment

Mass evacuation of pupils and students, who are sensitive to radiation, may become an option from the perspective of a policy standpoint. But at the same time, considering that the obligator is also obligated to continue to conduct educational activities as far as pupils and students other than obligees also inhabit in the city, due to the nature of such activities it should be difficult to discriminate between such ones for the obligees and those for others in order to suspend the former alone. Considering it is acknowledged that the purpose of the obligees’ petition is, as a matter of practice, the overall suspension of educational activities at aforementioned elementary and junior high schools, including those for other pupils and students, it should be needed to strictly investigate requirements for fulfilling rights to be conserved.
Now, considering decontamination activities promoted by the obligator and results of radiation monitoring among other factors, it is not acknowledged that there are emergent and concrete threats to human lives and bodies of the obligees dangerous enough to require overall suspension of educational activities at elementary and junior high schools they attend without questioning the intentions of the rest of pupils and students, who also inhabit in Kohriyama City located outside the caution and evacuation-planned zones and attend the same schools as the obligees do.
Moreover, such suspension as the obligees require is not only measure for avoiding hazards to them, as they can adopt alternative one such as commuting to extramural schools, for instance.
Therefore, the rights to be preserved, claimed in the petition, are not acknowledged.

IV. The court judgment
(4) - - - -
According to the obligees’ petition in this issue, and also focusing our attention to the relation between it and many other pupils and students who themselves are not concerned here, the former must be said to be requiring overall suspension of the implementation of educational activities, of which the latter also actually receive the full benefit, regardless of their willingness. In such a case, it is adequate to consider that in order to acknowledge the petition, strict requirements are needed; i.e., there should be an emergent threat of damaging human life and body of each obligee; it should be evident that unrecoverable consequential injury are to be caused by such damage; and moreover, no proper alternative option is found as a measure to avoid such injury, weighing disadvantages and burdens for obligees, obligator and other stakeholders. - - - -
(5) In considering whether concrete rights to be preserved for the obligees should be acknowledged or not, it is noted that the existing national law adopts 1 mSv per year basis as the public dose limit in accordance with 2007 recommendations of ICRP, and the obligees, assuming such a regulatory, require measures including the suspension of the implementation of educational activities in areas where the air radiation doses are surely expected to exceed 1 mSv per year (0.2 micro-Sv per hour).
(6) However, fundamentally speaking, the impact on the probability of late-onset disorders such as cancer when receiving a radiation dose less than 100 mSv has not been empirically confirmed. Therefore, the dose limit in the radiation exposure scale-range under 100 mSv is set in accordance with assumption that some stochastic effects may occur even in the lower radiation exposure range in proportion to its level. In such a case, even though causality is unclear from a scientific perspective, and rather because it is unclear, standards are set in consideration of possible safety from a policy standpoint, and studies in radiation protection also adopt such an idea that exposure exceeding the amount of radiation present in nature should be as small as possible. In this sense, the 1 mSv standard of ICRP also should not be taken as the absolute one. Therefore, while on the one hand, as shown in the April 20, 2011 notification issued by the Ministry of Education, there is an approach of mitigating the annual limit to 1 - 20 mSv, on the other hand, critics claim that 1 mSv per year standard of the ICRP is insufficient in terms of safety, because it does not take the matters of internal exposures into account; and the 2010 recommendations of the European Committee on Radiation Risk (ECRR) setting 0.1 mSv as the standard for the annual public dose limit is in accordance with such the acknowledged fact.
(7) Therefore, the mass evacuation of more radiation sensitive pupils and students, which the obligees claim, may be one of options for the policy in order to ensure safety of them as far as there exist risks of radiation exposures larger than ordinal one, not only in those areas where annual air radiation doses exceed 1 mSv, but also in other areas where they are smaller than that value.
(8) However, such an option is a different matter from questioning whether there is such an unambiguous legal right for requiring the suspension as the obligees claim. For the latter investigation, understanding it is needed to consider whether there is the right to be preserved in accordance with requirements mentioned above in the paragraph (4), it can not be said that there is sufficient prime facie showing to prove fulfillment of such requirements.
A. First of all, such risks of damages on human lives and bodies caused by exposures as oboligees claim depend on the possibilities of the infringements on human lives and bodies which long-term low-dose exposures may stochastically result in. Indeed, such infringements on human lives and bodies can be said to be consequential damages hard to recover, but damage risks due to such infringements are mere undefined facts which depend on uncertain scales and time spans of the future exposures.
B. And, according to the above mentioned certified fact, it is possible to recognize that radiation doses at and around the primary and junior high schools the obligees attend have been reduced at the points after decontamination activities such as topsoil removal works among others conducted by the obligator. And also, so far as pupils and students do not stay still for 24 hours a day at the specific points where radiation doses are measured, but move around and conduct various indoor and outdoor activities, it can be acknowledged that the more realistic data at school facilities should be results of simplified integrating dosimeter monitoring conducted by staff members of those school facilities, and any of such measuring results at primary and junior high schools the obligees attend shows that radiation dose is lower than 0.2 micro-Sv per hour.
C. The obligees insist that, so far as monitoring conducted by the obligator was done as measurements conducted by the school staff members, who in fact usually stay in school buildings even while pupils and students stay on playgrounds, such measured values can not be trusted. But, given that since May, 2011, the obligator has been restricting outdoor activities such as physical education within 1 hour a day and sports club activities within 2 hours at primary and junior high schools in Kohriyama City, and regulating the former to be done indoor as far as possible and prohibiting the latter in rainy or windy days, it is hard to recognize that the radiation exposure doses of the obligees are significantly different from the above mentioned monitoring results. And also, measurement results in the TV show (A65 evidence) must be said to lack the prerequisite for comparison, given that they were measured under different conditions in Nihonmatsu City. And again, results measured by obligees’ parents (A63) are not sufficient to affect the reliability of the above mentioned monitoring results, given that differences in points and methods of measurements and aggregation methods inevitably lead to values different from above mentioned ones measured by the school staff.
E. Therefore, considering that it is expected that the advance in decontamination is to reduce the amount of future radiation, and recognizing the actual extent of radiation exposure of obligees at primary and junior high schools suggested from the above mentioned monitoring results, it is not fully acknowledged that there exist imminent dangers to their human lives and bodies. Concerning about risks of internal exposures, the obligees claim that they are exposed to such risks from inhalation of radioactive noble gasses and ingestion of soils and vegetables contaminated with radioactive materials, and have submitted written opinions (A49 evidence, A72, A73, A75, A76, A81, A82, etc.) describing dangers of contracting heart disease and cancer among others from internal exposures. Though risks of internal exposures noted in these opinions are not trivial, the concrete facts of presence or absence and extent of such internal exposure of each individual of the obligees are not yet clarified. Besides, given that the internal exposure is a long-term exposure to the radioactive materials which entered into a human body, the specific causation between “the suspension of educational activities conducted by the obligator for the obligees” at “school facilities located on the points where average measurement values of air dose rate at 50 cm or 1 m in height exceed 0.2 micro-Sv per hour” and prevention or elimination of the risks of internal exposures for the obligees is also not yet clarified. Therefore, these written opinions are not sufficient to directly confirm the existence of obligees’ rights to be preserved, concerning the provisional ruling requested in this issue. Though obligees claim that radiation dose accumulated since the occurrence of the Fukushima nuclear accident also should be considered, the actual past exposures can not be prevented in their nature with this petition. And also, given that the probability of receiving late injuries in radiation doses less than 100 mSv is not empirically verified, and that the annual dose limit of 20 mSv was set as the provisional guideline in the April 20 notification issued by the Ministry of Education, even though the annual radiation exposures are expected to exceed 1 mSv in total together with the past ones, it is not sufficiently acknowledged that such exposures directly cause emergent dangers to the human lives and bodies. Therefore, all told, for each individual of obligees, there is no prima-facie evidence sufficient enough to acknowledge the existence of dangers concrete and emergent enough to require the overall suspension of entire educational activities without questioning notions of other pupils and students who inhabit in Kohriyama City located outside caution and evacuation planned zones, and attend the same primary and junior high schools together with obligees.

Application for a provisional disposition ( 24 June 2011 )

Application for a provisional disposition

                                 24 June 2011
To: Koriyama Branch, Fukushima District Court
Petitioners: 14 children who attend elementary/junior-high schools in City of Koriyama
The other party: Koriyama City Council

         Purpose of this application

1 The other party must refer to the attached table of environmental radiation monitoring results and must not enforce educational activities for these petitioners in school facilities at which average radiation dose as stated in the attached table of Environmental Radiation Monitoring Results exceeds 0.2microsievert(mSv) per hour, either at 50cm or 1m above ground.
2 The other party must implement educational activities for the petitioners. This should be done using school facilities at which average radiation dose does not exceed 0.2mSv/h.
We ask Koriyama District Court to judge upon these appeals.

          Reasons for the appeal
Ⅰ Concerned parties
1 Petitioners
Children from Koriyama City who are attending local elementary schools or junior-high schools.
2 The other party
Education Committee of City Council of Koriyama, which is a competent authority that is supposed to implement appropriate education for the children in the city’s elementary and junior high schools, nursery schools and kinder gardens.

Ⅱ Sequence of events
1 Location of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant is a nuclear power plant that belongs to Tokyo Electric Power Company in City of Ookuma, Futaba-gun, Fukushima prefecture.

2 Fukushima Nuclear Accident
Following Great Northeastern Earthquake and tsunami that occurred on 11 March 2011, external power supply was lost in the reactors that had been in operation at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Emergency diesel generators did not work, and the plant lost all of its power supply. As a result, the reactors and spent fuel pool lost the crucial coolant system, leading to the most deadly nuclear accident in the world history since Chernobyl. Suppression chambers were damaged in two of the reactors, followed hydrogen explosions inside the reactor buildings. As a result, massive amount of highly radioactive materials from the fuel rods began to leak into the outside environment. It has not been converged yet, still leaking this very day into the air and the sea water. Such an accident is clearly unprecedented in the world history, simply beyond Chernobyl.

3 Spreading of radioactive elements into the environment caused by the Fukushima accident
Fukushima nuclear accident has contaminated vast area of Japan, mainly Tohoku (northeastern areas of Japan) and Kanto region (the Greater Tokyo Area and seven prefectures: Gunma, Tochigi, Ibaraki, Saitama, Tokyo, Chiba, and Kanagawa) and the Pacific Ocean. Food products, tap water, sea water and soil have been seriously contaminated. The extent of the problem is just phenomenal.

4 Counter measures taken by the Japanese government
Japanese government has issued an evacuation order to areas within 20km (a concentric circle) from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant on 12 March, which was followed by “indoor evacuation order” on 15 March to areas within 30km from the plant. On 22 April, the 20km zone was declared as a “no-go zone”.

5 Counter measures taken by Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology(MEXT)
Radioactive contamination swallowed school facilities too and for each school building and playground, it was deemed necessary to make a decision as to whether or not they could be used for educational purposes. On 19 April, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, or MEXT, issued a notice addressed to Education Committee of Fukushima’s prefectural government, in which it was stated that if cumulative dose was predicted to be between 1 and 20 mSv per year, the facility can be used for education. This was “an interim criterion”. Then, the MEXT made an amendment on 27 May, declaring that they shall “aim to” regard 1mSv as an acceptable yearly limit for schools.

Ⅲ Rights to be protected
1 General remarks
However, annual cumulative dose since the first day of the Fukushima nuclear accident is going to be higher than 1 mSv in most of the Fukushima prefecture. Considering the health effects of radiation, the possibility for the children to suffer from radiation-induced diseases such as cancer or leukemia in the future will be quite high, if they continue to attend elementary/junior high schools, nursery schools and kinder gardens in the prefecture. For the children, moral interests are life, body and health, but all of them are now facing a serious threat.

2 Health effects of radiation
We have already reached a point where cumulative annual dose since the first day of Fukushima nuclear accident would exceed 1 mSv in the Fukushima prefecture. The children are of course still growing physically, with frequent cell divisions occurring inside their bodies, hence the most vulnerable. If they continue to attend elementary/junior high schools, nursery schools and kinder gardens in the Fukushima prefecture, as recommended by the MEXT, there is a possibility that they will suffer from diseases including cancer or leukemia as late radiation injury. Genetic effects can also be caused by radiation, which would then remain in the DNA for generations. It is an indisputable fact that life, body and health of the children, the most valuable moral interests, are facing a serious threat at this moment.

3 Basis for “1 mSv/Year” standard
Scientific opinions are still divided as to what would be the acceptable annual dose limit for the public to protect their health. The MEXT claims to follow recommendations by International Commission on Radiological Protections (ICRP), which is basically 1 mSv per year.
ICRP2007 recommendations
After international criticisms mounted for some time, the ICRP admitted in the 1985 statement issued in Paris that its annual dose limit of 5 mSv, which was what they had recommended back in 1977, was too high for the public, and they lowered the limit to 1mSv. To this, Radiation Health Protection Agency of the UK made a response by recommending a stricter limit of 0.5mSv per year, reflecting the contamination caused by Sellafield nuclear fuel reprocessing plant.
Also there was Professor Alice Stewart. She was the first scientist in the world who discovered the health effects of exposure to low-level radiation. She was also the first scientific secretary of European Committee of Radiation Risk (ECRR). Prof. Stewart submitted an open letter of inquiry to the ICRP, asking for a substantial revision of the standard. But they refused it, claiming that it was satisfactory enough that they had already lowered the limit from 5 mSv to 1 mSv per year. As a result, ICRP1990 recommendation held the same limit of 1mSv, which was then inherited onto ICRP2007 recommendation. The latter was merely a slight revision of the previous recommendations.
ECRR2010 recommendations
However, European Committee of Radiation Risk (ECRR) argued in its 2010 recommendations as follows; “The total maximum permissible dose to members of the public arising from all human practices should not be more than 0.1mSv, with a value of 2 mSv for nuclear workers” (14., Executive Summary, ECRR2010). So, only a tenth of the ICRP limit. The ECRR claimed that “this would severely curtail the operation of nuclear power stations and reprocessing plants, and this reflects the Committee’s belief that nuclear power is a costly way of producing energy when human health deficits are included in the overall assessment. All new practices must be justified in such a way that the rights of all individuals are considered. Radiological exposures must be kept as low as reasonably achievable using best available technology. Finally, the environmental consequences of radioactive discharges must be assessed in relation to the total environment, including both direct and indirect effects on all living systems”. ( ibid.)
Reflecting ICRP2007 recommendation onto domestic regulations
Basic Group from the MEXT’s Radiation Committee came up with a report called “Reflecting ICRP2007 recommendations (Pub.103) onto domestic regulations (Second Intermediary Report)” on 12 January 2011, which was then approved on 28 January at its Board meeting. In this report, the Group recommended and explained that the purpose was “to rigidly follow the 1mSv rule as an annual dose limit for the members of the public”.
Domestic laws
Current Japanese domestic laws are also constituted on the basis of this 1mSv annual dose limit for the public.

4 Cumulative dose
Since 11 March 2011, the children in the Fukushima prefecture have been continuously living in a dangerous situation where they have been receiving both types of radiation exposure; internal and external. In order to save them immediately, we shall calculate the cumulative dose by just concentrating on the external exposure. Since the internal exposure is considered to be the more dangerous than the external exposure, it should mean that the situation is indeed extremely hazardous for the children if the level of external exposure is proved to be dangerous enough on its own
Cumulative dose at seven elementary/junior high schools that the petitioners attend
In order to calculate the cumulative dose at seven elementary/junior high schools that the petitioners attend, we shall utilize a table called “Estimation of cumulative dose at various locations of Fukushima Prefecture” that the MEXT has made. It is based on the results of measurements that the MEXT carried out between 0600hours of 12 March 2011 and 2400hours of 25 May at Toyoda-machi, Koriyama City. This was a good basis, because all the school facilities that the petitioners attend are located within 5km distance from this geographical point. As a result, we found out that cumulative dose at this point between 12 March and 25 May 2011 (75 days) was as high as 2.9 mSv. Moreover, radiation dose at the very schools that the petitioners attend turned out to be about 1.3-2.3 times higher than that of Toyoda-machi. That means cumulative dose between 12 March and 25 May at the petitioners’ schools must have been at least 3.8 mSv (2.9 mSv×1.3) and could have been 6.67 mSv (2.9 mSv×2.3) at maximum.
Therefore, the petitioners have been exposed to cumulative dose of between 3.8mSv and 6.67mSv just for 75 days, 3.8-6.67 times over the annual exposure limit of 1mSv. That is significant, considering the fact that it was for external exposure only. And the calculation was unfairly done too, since we adopted the MEXT’s method and used “shielding coefficient” of 0.6 for wooden buildings (The MEXT seems to claim that wooden buildings have such a shielding effect against radiation).
Estimation of total cumulative dose per year
In the MEXT’s table “Estimation of cumulative dose at various locations”, there are two sets of results. One is “Cumulative dose between 12 March and 25 May” and the second is “Estimated total cumulative dose per year”. We can assume what the “Estimated total cumulative dose per year” would be by searching for the most approximate “Cumulative dose between 12 March and 25 May” on the table. So in that way, cumulative dose for a year up to 11 March 2012 at seven schools that the petitioners go to would be as much as 12.7-24mSv. That is, again, just for external exposure, and even with using the “shielding coefficient”.

Schools in the Fukushima prefecture at which cumulative dose per year would be estimated to exceed 1mSv:
At locations where average radiation dose was measured to be higher than 0.2mSv/hour between 23 and 25 May, we can assume that cumulative dose per year would certainly be higher than 1mSv. 55 out of 60 locations in Koriyama City exceeded 0.2mSv/h. Five locations in the City did not reach 0.2mSv/h, but 0.17mSv/hour was measured at three out of that five. It is highly likely that annually they would exceed 1mSv. All of 32 locations measured in Fukushima City exceeded 0.2mSv/h.
There are 266 schools in the Fukushima prefecture. And there are 243 locations where it is assumed that the yearly cumulative dose would exceed 1mSv for certain. At 18 locations, the possibility of exceeding 1mSv/year is quite high and there are 5 locations where it is unlikely to be so.
Health effects of radiation are caused by different types of radiological exposure and can take many routes. As for the external exposure, we must not forget that radioactive materials that have fallen onto the ground must also be taken into account, apart from just looking at “dose” measured in the air. As for the internal exposure, we must note that radioactive materials can get into human body through breathing, eating and drinking.
For the children of Fukushima to be protected, all of these must be considered and the level of radiological exposure they get must stay under 1mSv annually in total. It is not easy to measure the levels of exposure in each route accurately. But obviously the level of total radiological exposure for the children will greatly exceed 1mSv if they are to receive education at school facilities within areas where the “dose” on its own is already higher than 1mSv.
Therefore, if the authorities continue to implement educational activities in areas where it is already certain or predictable that the cumulative annual dose exceeds 1mSv/year, it is clear that the children will face great danger of developing cancer and leukemia from radiation exposure. And that is only by attending these elementary/junior high schools, nursery schools and kindergarden in the region. This act seriously violates children’s moral interests; life, body and health.

Ⅶ The rights of children in the Fukushima prefecture

The right to receive education
First clause from Article 26 of Japanese constitution stipulates that “All people shall have the right to receive an equal education correspondent to their ability, as provided by law.” Then in the latter half of its second clause, “Such compulsory education shall be free”. The right to receive education naturally includes “right to receive education safely”. So it is constitutionally guaranteed that the children have the right to receive education without damages to life, body and health. This needs to be realized especially in the circumstances since Fukushima nuclear accident.
The right to life (moral interests)
Article 25 of Japanese constitution stipulates that “all people shall have the right to maintain the minimum standards of wholesome and cultured living” and “in all spheres of life, the State shall use its endeavors for the promotion and extension of social welfare and security, and of public health”. Article 13 stipulates that “All of the people shall be respected as individuals. Their right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness shall, to the extent that it does not interfere with the public welfare, be the supreme consideration in legislation and in other governmental affairs”. Therefore Japanese people naturally and clearly have the right to be protected from any damages to life, body and health that are caused by massive amount of radioactive materials released from Fukushima nuclear power plant.
Health measures at school
Article 12 of School Education Law stipulates that the providers of education must implement regular health checks and other necessary measures to protect and promote children’s health. It means that children and their parents have the right to demand implementation of appropriate health measures.
The best interests of the children
The first clause of Article 3 from Convention on the Rights of the Child is absolutely crucial for resolving this matter: “In all actions concerning children, whether undertaken by public or private social welfare institutions, courts of law, administrative authorities or legislative bodies, the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration.”

Ⅷ Duties of the other party
Duty to give safety considerations
The Japanese government, Fukushima Prefectural government and local municipalities within the Fukushima prefecture must fulfill the rights of the children that we noted so far, especially the one based on Article 26 of the Japanese constitution. They have a duty to give safety considerations and to take necessary measures so that life, body and health of the children are protected.
Since 11 March, the situation in the Fukushima prefecture is the one where great amount of radioactivity has been continuously leaking into the environment from the nearby Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. They must actively take necessary measures to prevent implementation of educational activities in the red zone, so that the children will not develop radiation-induced cancer or leukemia later. Life, body and health of the children must not be damaged.
Article 26 of School Health Safety Law stipulates that “Education providers must implement necessary measurements to fully maintain its facilities, equipment and the management system, so that children can be prevented from danger caused by any potential accidents, attacks or disasters. They must be able to deal with any potential danger or hazard caused to the children by accidents etc.”. This is clearly a reflection of the previously-mentioned “duty to give safety considerations”.
Locations of elementary and junior high schools
Regarding the locations of schools, Article 38 of School Education Law states that “local municipalities must build schools in the local areas for the children to attend”, which is of course just a general rule. It is acceptable to give educational activities outside the local areas, if it is inevitable, as written in a notice issued by the MEXT on 23 April 1959.
Even just between 12 March and 25 May 2011, cumulative dose at the petitioners’ schools reached 3.8 mSv at minimum, and 6.67 mSv at maximum, because of the massive fallout from the Fukushima nuclear power plant. The level is 3.8-6.67 times higher than the 1 mSv annual dose limit for the public, creating an extremely hazardous situation endangering life, body and health of the children.
It is a duty of the other party to give safety considerations and to protect life, body and health of the petitioners. Providing education in a red zone is a violation of this duty and it is totally unacceptable. They have a legal obligation to move elementary and junior high schools to outside areas immediately. And local municipalities must bear the costs, since it is stipulated in Article 26 of the Japanese constitution that the compulsory education is free.
If the authorities continue to provide educational activities in areas where it is already certain or predictable that the cumulative dose exceeds 1mSv annually, the petitioners (children) will face great and concrete danger of developing cancer and leukemia from radiation exposure. Life, body and health of the children will be damaged. Unless evacuation measures are taken immediately, with the government and local municipalities paying the cost, this situation cannot be resolved. It is the only way.

人権の最貧民国入りを表明した「日本人の仕分けの夜明け」判決(1/14 脱原発世界会議)


分科会「子どもの権利条約から原子力を検証する」 動画(23分後)





(12.1.21 柳原敏夫)

Просьба поддержать: скажем «НЕТ» решению, нарушающему права человека! Скажем «ДА!» созданию Всемирного гражданского трибунала по вопросу массовой эвакуации из Фукусима, дающего справедливую оценку уровню радиационной угрозы

«Мы – 100 %.» – 14 школьников из города Корияма префектуры Фукусима, учимся в районе, уровень загрязнения которого сопоставим с зоной обязательной эвакуации по чернобыльскому стандарту (см. на карту ниже).

Щелкнуть для увеличения

Государственная власть (Министерство образования, культуры, спорта, науки и технологии) – виновник нынешней катастрофы или «Люди 0 %» – представила свою позицию, что их не беспокоит угроза жизни ни в чем не повинных детей Фукусима. У них нет ни чувства вины, ни ответственности за образование, что не возможно понять здравым умом.

«Мы – 100%» не могли оставить без внимания акт беспрецедентной несправедливости, и 24 июня 2011 г. возбудили судебный процесс (заявление об условном взыскании), требуя обеспечения безопасности и образования детей у суда, последнего оплота прав человека.
Суд принял данное заявление к рассмотрению, и приступил к изучению возможных последствий облучения на здоровье детей. Истцы доказывали следующее с помощью открытых писем экспертов:
1. Позволить детям проживать и продолжать обучение в районе с годовой дозой радиационного фона 1 мЗв и более противоречит конституционной обязанности обеспечить прохождение детьми обучения в безопасных условиях.
2. Радиационный фон в школах в данном районе достигает даже при скромном расчете 12, 7 – 24 мЗв в год (только внешнее облучение).
3. В дальнейшем и в городе Корияма также ожидается серьезная угроза здоровью жителей, как возникла в чернобыльских районах с подобным уровнем радиационного загрязнения.
Суд, однако, через 45 дней молчания после окончания рассмотрения в конце октября, 16 декабря 2011 г. (в день, когда премьер-министр Нода объявил о завершении холодной остановки реакторов Фукусима-I) принял решение об отказе в эвакуации, отклонив заявление детей. Это решение не оправдало надежду детей через судебный процесс, и дало официальное одобрение ужасающему нарушению прав человека государством и муниципалитетом - виновниками аварии.
Не в коем случае нельзя допустить и смириться с подобным решением, которое навечно оставит черное пятно в истории человека.

Итак, мы выдвигаем следующие два обращения.

Обращение 1:
Жители Японии и всего мира, давайте скажем «НЕТ» этому решению, покажем ошибку этого решения и исправим её своими гражданскими силами.

Обращение 2:
Мы решили заменить суд, лишившийся своей функции из-за самоубийства судебной системы, организуя «Всемирный гражданский трибунал», состоящий из присяжных со всего мира. Цель создания трибунала – правильно оценить опасность радиации и спасти детей Фукусима. Всемирный гражданский трибунал – орган решения конфликта гражданского типа XXI века, основным принципом которого являются истина, справедливость и безоговорочная любовь к жизни. Граждане Японии и всего мира, скажем «ДA» рождению этого нового трибунала, поддержим реализацию лучшего общества через «трибунал граждан, избранный гражданами и для граждан».

※ Чтобы выразить свою поддержку, достаточно только сделать отметку в квадрате.
※ Просим выразить свою поддержку и тех, кто уже давал подпись, так как это разные процедуры.
※ Выразить свое решение о поддержке можно только через компьютер.










찬동 의뢰:인권침해 결정에 NO를! 방사능 위험에 대해 바른 판단을 내리는 「후쿠시마 집단소개(疎開,피난)재판」세계시민법정 개최에 YES를!

「우리는 100%」 작년 3월11일 후쿠시마(福島) 제1원전사고로 인해 체르노빌 피난 기준으로 강제피난지역에서 교육을 받고 있는 후쿠시마현 고오리야마시(郡山市)의 14명 어린이입니다(이하의 오염 지도 참조).

 클릭하여 확대

이 원전사고의 가해자인 정부(문부과학성) 즉,「0%의 사람들」은 아무런 책임도 없는 후쿠시마현의 어린이들의 목숨을 위험한 상태에 방치한 채 반성도, 가해자라는 자각도, 교육 행정책임자라는 자각도 없는 보통 사람으로서는 믿을 수 없는 방침을 내세웠습니다.
「우리는 100%」는 이 전대미문의 정의롭지 못함에 가만히 있을 수 없어 작년 6월24일 「인권 최후의 보루」인 재판소에 「어린이들을 안전한 장소에서 교육해라」는 구제를 요구하는 재판(가처분 주장)을 일으켰습니다.
재판소는 전례가 없는 재판이라는 점에서 그냥 거절하지 않고, 피폭으로 의한 어린이들의 건강피해 가능성의 유무에 대해서 실체심리에 들어가, 주장인은
①. 어린이들을 공간선량 연간 1mSv이상인 지역에서 교육시키는 것은 헌법에 근거한「어린이들을 안전한 환경에서 교육하는 의무」를 위반하는 것,
②. 통학하는 초중등학교는, 외부피폭만으로 적게 계산해도 공간선량이 연간 12.7∼24mSv에 달하는 것,
③. 체르노빌에서 고오리야마시(郡山市)와 방사능 오염도가 비슷한 지역에서 발생한 심각한 건강피해가 앞으로 고오리야마시(郡山市)에서도 예상될 것
을 전문가의 의견서 등으로 증명했습니다.
그러나 재판소는, 10월말 심리종료로부터 45일의 침묵 후, 노다(野田) 총리의 「냉온정지」선언과 같은 날인 12월16일, 어린이들의 주장을 각하하는 「피난정지」를 선언(결정)했습니다. 이 결정은 재판에 의한 사회개혁이라는 어린이들의 기대에 어긋나고, 원전사고의 가해자인 정부와 자치체에 의한 흉악한 인권침해행위를 보장을 준 최악의 인권침해행위입니다. 어린이들에 대한 인권침해의 역사에 있어서 영원한 오점을 남기는 이 결정을 절대로 용서할 수 없습니다.

그래서 우리는 이하 2개의 찬동어필을 호소합니다.
【찬동 어필1】
지금 전일본, 전세계 사람들이 이 인권침해의 결정에 대해 NO!를 표명하고, 이 결정이 잘못된 것임을 세상에 밝히고 우리 시민의 손으로 잘못을 바로잡아 갑시다.
【찬동 어필2】
사법의 자살로 기능부전에 빠진 재판소 대신하여 생명의 위험한 상태로 놓여 있는 후쿠시마의 어린이들을 구하기 위해 전세계의 시민들로 구성된 배심원의 손으로 방사능의 위험에 대해 바른 판단을 내리는 세계시민법정을 설치, 개최하기로 정했습니다. 세계시민법정은 진리와 정의, 그리고 생명에 대한 무조건적인 사랑을 기본원리로 하는 21세기 시민형 분쟁해결기관입니다. 지금 전일본, 전세계 사람들이 이 새로운 세계시민법정의 탄생에 대해 YES!라고 표명하고, 이것을 지지하고 있음을 세상에 밝히며 「시민의, 시민에 의한, 시민을 위한 세계시민법정」에 의한 사회개혁을 강력하게 지지합시다.

※찬동표명은 □ 체크만으로 OK. 그 이상 필요 없습니다.
※찬동은 서명과 다르므로, 이미 서명한 분도 찬동표명을 부탁드립니다.
※휴대폰으로는 찬동표명할 수 없습니다. PC로 해 주시기 바랍니다.







Jan 9th 2012
To whom it may concern

The Christopher Busby Foundation for the Children of Fukushima CBFCF.
Mr James Ryan

This is to confirm that I wrote to Mr James Ryan, the CEO and organizer of the CBFCF on 12th December and formally broke any links I had with his CBFCF organization in so far as it exists. This is because the organisation never developed as was originally promised and never carried out the work that had been agreed in a way that had been agreed between me and Mr Ryan. I confirm that I have never agreed to any of the information and details posted on the website of the CBFCF and have never received any money from the CBFCF. My advice has only to be that people exposed to radionuclides from Fukushima in the radioactive areas of north Japan should take Calcium and Magnesium supplements, nothing else which has been marketed by Mr Ryan, and this advice I continue to give.
Chris Busby





Announcement by The "Fukushima Evacuate Children Lawsuit Group". Twelve angry citizens decide to hold an "International Citizens' Tribunal" to save the children in Fukushima as their lives are at urgent risk.

Japanese version

1 . What has in fact happened since 3.11 as well as the condition of the children in Fukushima up to the court filing on June 24th, 2011.

Running through the wind, with their cheeks red, mouthfuls of raspberries, filled with the excitement, catching insects, rolling over the snow fields… Those were the children of Fukushima.

The massive accident on 3.11 at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant has completely changed Fukushima prefecture. In Koriyama where the14 children who are the plaintiffs in the lawsuit live, many of the citizens were exposed to the invisible radiation from the damaged power plants. After the accident no iodine tablets were distributed and no announcements of radiation levels were made.

One father without knowing the imminent danger had his son stand in line to get their ration of water from a water truck. One high school girl was outside everyday participating in after-school track and field activities. One mother brought her daughter back to Fukushima from her safe haven far from Fukushima as she had been instructed that her daughter had to attend her school graduation ceremony.

The citizens later learned that much of the safety information, including the data from the Japanese SPEED 1 Radiation Plume Monitoring System was intentionally hidden so the people in the surrounding regions had no idea as to the actual danger they faced.

At the same time the accidents themselves were trivialized by the Ministry of Education and Science backed "Safe Campaign" that raised the internationally accepted 1 mSv/y exposure standard to 20 mSv/y. At the same time the Japanese government raised other safety standards beyond levels that are internationally agreed upon.

With much anxiety and fear the parents have made desperate efforts to protect their children but the only measure that the government has taken to ensure the safety of their children and health has been a basic cleanup of the radioactive fallout, that in reality, has not significantly lowered the exposure levels.

To adequately ensure their safety and health, the only option the children had and still have is voluntary evacuation, as Koriyama has not been designated as an evacuation zone. Voluntary evacuation naturally would mean the children would have to leave their family and friends and move to an unknown world. Some families with the financial resources have sent their children to other locations. However, for the parents of these 14 children, such an option was and is not financially possible.
For these compelling reasons and more, the 14 children became the petitioners who filed "Fukushima Evacuate Children Lawsuit".

2. Reason of the pleading and its significance

(1) Why did we file the Pleading?
The Education Ministry, in response to the massive outcries of the parents in Fukushima, corrected their earlier standard that had allowed school activities in Fukushima to continue within radiation levels up to 20 mSv/year. Finally they agreed with the parents that 1 mSv/year should be the maximum level that children be allowed to be exposed to.

After checks were carried out almost all the schools in Fukushima prefecture were found to be contaminated with levels greater than 1 mSv/year. What is even more shocking, the central areas of Koriyama, where the plaintiffs live, were found to be extremely dangerous, with levels of 5 mSv/year or more. Under the Chernobyl Evacuation Standard (more than 5 mSv/year) the whole area would have been considered a mandatory evacuation area. In other words, had this been Russia, the government would have forced all the people to move to safer locations. (See the Contamination Map)

Click on the map to enlarge it!

In spite of the strong demands from hundreds of parents neither the Ministry of Education nor the local government showed any intent to actually move the children to safe locations.

The world must be clear about one thing. The Japanese government is completely responsible for the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident and thus for the irreparable damage they are causing to the children and citizens affected by the radiation. Though they are 100% responsible, they have not taken the steps they are obligated to take to save the children whose lives and health they have knowingly put at risk.

This irresponsible behavior by the Japanese government is an unprecedented violation of human rights, and as its implications are so serious we feel it should be considered a "crime against humanity" under international law.

The original purpose of the court system was and is to provide citizens with a way to remedy grievances and violations of their intrinsic rights. As the state and local governments have ignored the outcries of the citizens in their suffering, we decided to use the court system to achieve the outcome the children deserve.

In this case we want to bring justice to the members of the government that have and continue to cause irreparable damage to all the children remaining in Fukushima.

We filed our case, the "Fukushima Evacuate Children Lawsuit" on June 24, 2011. In it 14 elementary/middle school children from Koriyama filed a provisional disposition against the city of Koriyama, arguing that "the children should have the right to education in a safe place".

(2) Significance of the Pleading
This pleading is ultimately purposed so that all the children whose lives and health are at risk as a result of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident can get their education in a safe environment. As it would be impossible under the current judicial system for the government to implement such a measure immediately, it was necessary to provide a precedent. Thus we put together our lawsuit with the 14 school children.

It was our plan that if our initial case was approved, we would move forward to achieve the same outcome for all the school children in Fukushima that are currently in this dangerous situation. Based on the court order that the 14 children must be evacuated, as it is their right to receive their education in a safe environment, negotiations between the citizens and the government would begin for the rest of the children. In that sense, the 14 children filed the suit on behalf of all the children in Fukushima.

3. Development of the Trial

As this evacuation lawsuit was unprecedented, we initially were concerned that our pleading might be dismissed at submission, but the court accepted our pleading and thus it became a legal and binding case.

The hearings for trial were expected to be completed on September 9, 2011 with both parties giving their concluding remarks. On that day however, we submitted new evidence that was disclosed by the Ministry of Education in late August. This evidence from the government included cesium soil contamination data for Koriyama. This made it possible for us for the first time to compare the radiation levels between Koriyama City and the surrounding areas of Chernobyl where radioactive fallout had polluted the environment.

We also included a document by Ryukyu University Prof Emeritus Katsuma Yagasaki who compared Koriyama City with the Lugyny (Luginy) region in Ukraine, where the level of cesium pollution is similar to that in Koriyama. Prof Yagasaki concluded that if the children in Koriyama remain where they are, the same health effects will be expected for them as reported in Lugyny (Luginy) after the Chernobyl accident.

To our shock Koriyama City refused to discuss this comparison with Lugyny (Luginy), ignoring our submission, stating that this issue was "unknown". In other words, they examined the evidence but refused to discuss it.

They then stated that those who feel that it is a health risk to remain in Koriyama are free to move if they want, as all students have the right to change schools. Finally they said that it was TEPCO, not Koriyama City, who infringed upon the right of students to get an education in safe place, therefore, it was not the duty of Koriyama City to evacuate the children to safe areas.

With these words Koriyama City openly and officially declared that they are not responsible for their citizens and thus violated the basic human rights of the citizens they are responsible for.

After this statement in the court by Koriyama City, we decided to do everything in our power to gather as much evidence from the Chernobyl accident as we could so that deeper and more detailed comparisons could be made with Koriyama City. The court and the citizens of Koriyama have a right to know what the expected health consequences will be if they remain in Koriyama.

Thus we needed more time to gather evidence, so the trial was extended to the end of October.

4. 12/16 Conclusion of Court Decision and its grounds

An urgent provisional disposition was requested for the case. However, the Koriyama court took their time to arrive at their ruling which was finally announced on December 16th, exactly 45 days after the conclusion of examination. It fell, rather coincidently, on the same day that Prime Minister Noda publicly announced that the Fukushima Daiichi reactors were now in a "Cold Shut Down Condition". The Koriyama district court dismissed the pleading of the plaintiffs, the14 school children in Koriyama.

The court said that the primary reason for their decision is that it felt the 14 children were in fact demanding the exclusive mandatory evacuation of all elementary/middle school students in the region. (The number is estimated to be 300,000.) The court said that such a large-scale evacuation would require concrete evidence proving that there is an immediate risk to the lives and physical health of the 14 plaintiffs. The court claims that their basis for evacuation would be only if levels in the air in the area where the children live were to be found to be more than 100mSv/year. The court went on to claim that there is no evidence of such levels in the air.

On the fact that the levels are not above 100mSv/year, the plaintiffs agree.

This 100mSv/year that the judge adopted however, is not the internationally accepted safety level. The court has not revealed the scientific grounds for their decision to use 100mSv/year as their evacuation standard.

There is currently no internationally accepted evacuation standard. The internationally accepted safety standard is 1mSv/year.

In any area that has a level of more than 1mSv/year, people are advised that there is no immediate risk to their health. They are not required by law to evacuate, but it is generally considered not healthy to be exposed to such a level for an extended amount of time.

In the case of the Chernobyl accident, the Russian government evacuated all citizens from areas contaminated with 5mSv/year or higher.

The chief judge Hibiki Shimizu in his ruling, did not mention or refer to any of the evidence we submitted in this matter. Specifically, we prepared a comparison between the radiation levels measured in Chernobyl and the levels in Koriyama City at the time of submission. Our evidence clearly shows that the levels in Koriyama City would have warranted the Russian government to designate the area as a mandatory evacuation zone.

In our submission and during the court proceedings that went on for several months prior to the judgment, the court did not make a single reference to the 100mSv /year safety standard that the court based its final decision on. In the modern judiciary system, a judgment must be based on evidence submitted and discussed by both parties. As there was no such discussion in this case, the courts ruling cannot be considered fair nor can it be considered legal.

The court has thus trampled upon the very principles of the modern judicial system that is meant to be the "Last Fortress of Human Rights".

5. Actions to correct the injustice of the court decision in order to save the children of Fukushima, whose lives and health are at risk

The conclusions reached by the court demonstrate that the judicial system in Japan has lost its integrity and can no longer be relied upon to deliver fair and just judgments. It is clear that the judicial system in Japan is no longer the “Last Fortress of Human Rights” that it was designed to be. It has committed a serious crime that gives its seal of approval to the state and local governments’ violations of human rights.

These violations have put the lives and health of the children living in Fukushima at risk, a risk that is not only serious but also unwarranted. Our duty as adults is to protect children from dangerous situations, especially those that can be avoided. Thus, we must take action to save them from the dangers they are being exposed to. After much deliberation we decided not to base our appeal on the UN Declaration of Human Rights as it was made by the governments of the world to serve themselves. Instead we went back to its root, chose a declaration that was made during the American Independence Revolution in 1776 by the citizens of America. It embraces the universal value of the human race, and it was the basis for the Constitution of America. It is known as the Constitution of Virginia:

Section 3. Government instituted for common benefit.
“That government is, or ought to be, instituted for the common benefit, protection, and security of the people, nation, or community; of all the various modes and forms of government, that is best which is capable of producing the greatest degree of happiness and safety, and is most effectually secured against the danger of maladministration; and, whenever any government shall be found inadequate or contrary to these purposes, a majority of the community hath an indubitable, inalienable, and indefeasible right to reform, alter, or abolish it, in such manner as shall be judged most conducive to the public weal.”

We have decided to hold a Citizens Tribunal “by the people, of the people, for the people” so we the people can judge whether the above mentioned decision by the court is not only correct but also ethically just. Our appeal will also draw from the universal values expressed in the “Convention on the Rights of the Child” , which itself is based on the Declaration of Human Rights, as it is specifically applicable to children.

We are calling our appeal “The World Citizens’ Tribunal of the “Fukushima Evacuate Children Lawsuit”. Through this tribunal we wish to achieve a judgment that reflects the values of human rights, not business or corporate interests. The children of Fukushima deserve a judgment that is just and ethically sincere. The right to live and study in a clean and healthy environment is their God given right.

We believe that the current judgment is a farce, for if it was reasonable, then the Prime Minister of Japan, and all the members of his cabinet, as well as all the executives from TEPCO, Hitachi and the other major companies behind the nuclear industry here in Japan would have no hesitation in sending their children and grandchildren to live and study in Koriyama. If Koriyama is truly a safe place for children to live and study, then they will have no hesitation in relocating the younger members of their families to Koriyama for the entire duration of their school lives.

(Translation by Gen Morita)

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報告第1回裁判 6月23日(火) 詳細->こちら
お知らせ 2月27日、福島地裁で原告・被告代理人全員参加の進行協議期日。当日の午後より報告集会・学習会。詳細->こちら
報告】 2014年8月29日、子ども人権裁判23名、親子裁判84名が原告となり、第一次提訴。詳細->こちら
【判決直後アクションのお願い】4月24日に仙台高裁の判決(PDF デジタルが出ました。判決に対する皆さんの率直な思いを表明して下さい->こちらから(日本語版  英語版)(2013年4月25日) 

【お知らせ】4.24仙台高裁判決に対するチョムスキーのコメント:裁判所が、健康への危険性を認識しながら、にもかかわらず、子どもたちを福島の地域から避難さ せようとする試みを阻んだことを知り、本当に驚いています。最も傷つきやすいもの、この場合、最も大切な財産である子どもたちをどのように扱うか以上に社会のモラルの水準を物語るものはありません。この残酷な判決が覆されることを強く希望し、信じます。->原文(2013年4月30日) 
【お願い】子どもたちの集団疎開の即時実現を求める緊急署名に参加下さい-->詳細  ネット署名《PC用 スマホ》(2012年9月14日)
【お礼】2.23新宿デモは約650名の参加と個人293名、34団体の賛同を得て実施されました。皆さまのご協力に感謝申し上げます(2013年2月26日) 写真&動画のまとめ->こちら  賛同人の人たちの声->こちら
【お願い】2.26新宿デモに皆さんの賛同を、メッセージを表明下さい->こちらから(2013年2月18日) 賛同人・賛同団体とメッセージの一覧->こちら
【お願い】都知事候補者と各政党と衆議院候補者に宛てた国政の最大課題についての質問状の回答に注目下さい-->回答(政党 都知事選)(2012年12月4日)
【速報】大江健三郎さんと柄谷行人さんが「世界市民法廷」に支持と支援の表明-->詳細大江 柄谷)(2012年1月29日)
【速報】ノーム・チョムスキーが「ふくしま集団疎開裁判」と世界市民法廷に支持と支援の表明ー>詳細   (2012年1月12日)
【お知らせ】クリス・バズビー博士は、2011年12月12日に、CBFCF(福島の子どもたちのためのクリストファー・バズビー・ファンデーション)およびジェームス・ライアン氏との関係を正式に絶ったことを確認しました。ー>詳細 (2012年1月12日)
※ 関連の【ご注意】(2011年9月19日)

【速報】今すぐ、命の危険にさらされているふくしまの子どもたちを救うために 十二人の怒れる市民による「ふくしま集団疎開裁判」世界市民法廷の開催を決定

  English Version



  1. 3.11以来、6.24の申立までのふくしまの現実と子どもたちの状況


    3・11福島第一原発の巨大事故により、ふくしまはすっかり変わってしまいました。 疎開裁判の申立人である14名の子どもたちが住む郡山市では、安定ヨウ素剤の配布もなく、放射能測定値が公表されない中で、多くの市民が目には見えない放射能に曝されたのです。




  2. 申立の理由とその意味







  3. 審理の経過




  4. 12.16判決(決定)の結論と理由




    また、申立却下の最大の根拠となったいわゆる100mSv問題(100mSv未満の放射線量を受けた場合における晩発性障害の発生確率について実証的な裏付けがないかどうかという問題)について、審理の中では一度も当事者からも裁判所からも取り上げられたことがなかったにもかかわらず、裁判所は判決の中で、いきなり、なおかつ当事者が提出した証拠に基づかずに認定しました。つまり、裁判所は、処分権主義、弁論主義、証拠裁判主義といった「人権の最後の砦」を支える近代裁判の基本原則をことごとく踏みにじることで申立却下という結論を導き出したのです(その詳細は、裁判所の判決(決定)に対するコメント(1) コメント(2) コメント(3))。
  5. 判決を是正し、今、命の危険にさらされているふくしまの子どもたちを救うために必要な取組み




以 上

  English Version

※ 関連
人々をマインドコントロールできたとしても、放射能をマインドコントロールすることはできない 」(柳原敏夫)