
告知 ①官邸前抗議 2月19日(水)17時30分~18時15分 ②新宿アルタ前街宣 3月1日(土)14時~15時 ー東海第二原発いらない一斉行動ーに参加


Voice of citizens: Application to Koriyama city

 Translation is Release Candidate)
Seven months has passed since the Fukushima Nuclear Plant Accident. But the accident is still going and there is no hope of solution.

 The facts that have been concealed are being revealed toward us in succession. The facts of contamination in the soil by cecium were revealed in the end of August. Detection of strontium and plutonium were revealed in the end of September. Changes in function of thyroid gland on ten children among 130 Fukushima children were reported on October 4. And on the day before yesterday, we have heard that "A mother who became pregnant in Koriyama city, gave birth at the refuge place. The baby turned out to suffer from Chelnobyl heart, in which there is a hole in the heart. So the mother was shocked and distressed."  I knew the feared fact and I lost words.
 At the Koriyama city council, the city answered that "Nobody knows health risk 10 years after, 20 years after, so we shall do remove contamination now. The fact of doing remove contamination means that Koriyama City notice this city is in the risk now. So, the city should evacuate children who are sensitive about radioactivity. It is clear that to remove contamination is not necessary effective and serious illness such as leukemia and thyroid gland cancer among children increase in four or five years after Three Mile Island and Chernobyl.

A mother writes as follow.
"I'm very afraid that children will receive radioactivity like present time after this. At least, temporarily evacuation is necessary for all the children in Koriyama. The fact that Koriyama city take effort to remove contamination means this city is in the risk. When we clean up our house, we put children out. The situation of Koriyama is like this.
We should not let children in Koriyama because radioactivity is spreading in this city. Please evacuate children in a group. Many children cannot evacuate from Koriyama because many parents, such as me, cannot afford to evacuate.
I cannot evacuate children because
1 Elder son will take an examination of high school in next spring ,
2 Children are anxious about "changing" school, and
3 we are not enough rich evacuate,
and so on.
Please save children in high radioactivity by whole Koriyama city."

And, another mother writes as follow.
"I have heard that mayor has a grandchild in junior high and he evacuate the grandchild to save from radioactivity.
I also have a son in junior high. But, I cannot evacuate him because of husband's job. I wish the mayor evacuate all the children in Koriyama to save them from radioactivity and to save their lives. "

After the accident, the mayor removed the surface soil of school grounds and declared the abolishment of nuclear plants, in which he took the initiative in Japan. His such actions are right. On October 11, the mayor of Tokai-mura in Ibaragi prefecture also expressed the opinion that Tokai-daini nuclear plant should be abolished, he was awakened with the accident, we can no longer depend on nuclear plants for the sake of developments of the town, and that we should think the way of the development instead of depending on nuclear plants.
Since our mayor of Koriyama also declared the abolishment of nuclear plants and took the right option of evacuation for his grandchild, he must “be awakened with the accident”. Please keep the attitude and declare the right option of evacuation in a group for all the children in Koriyama.
If he say so, not only Koriyama citizens, but also all the citizens in Japan  can cooperate to save the children hand in hand.
Our only wish is that “We want to save the children”. So, we take the following application to the city.

1. Please evacuate children in group where radioactivity is less than 1mSv in a year.
2. Please take economical and other care for children who have already evacuated voluntary.
3. Please evacuate and give life support for family with pre-school children, pregnant women, and pre-pregnant women.
4. Please set up system, by which adult people also can temporarily evacuate, with other communities.
5. Please set up system to guard vacant houses to enable us to evacuate being relieved.

Now, people all over Japan, and all over the world, are paying attention to the action of Koriyama city.

October 15, 2011

All the participants of the demonstration of“Save the children of Fukushima!”

An urgent appeal to save the children of Fukushima! Support their evacuation lawsuit prior to the judgment day.

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