
告知 ①官邸前抗議 2月19日(水)17時30分~18時15分 ②新宿アルタ前街宣 3月1日(土)14時~15時 ー東海第二原発いらない一斉行動ーに参加


An urgent appeal to save the children of Fukushima! Support their evacuation lawsuit prior to the judgment day.

Voice of citizens: Application to Koriyama city  (10/15/2011)
Voice of Fukushima's parents: Reasons why we are not evacuating voluntarily or not able to do (9/5/2011)

14 children of Fukushima, the plaintiffs of the lawsuit, go to school everyday where the contamination level of radiation is dangerously high.

The map below shows air dose levels of radiation based on the data of “On the analysis of the radionuclide in the soil (cesium 134 and 137)”, announced by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan, August 30, in which we applied Chernobyl evacuation standard indicated as colored circles.

Click on the map to enlarge it!

Except only one yellow circle indicating a voluntary evacuation area where residents were granted the right to move, all circles are red indicating mandatory exclusion areas where residents were forced to evacuate according to Chernobyl evacuation standard.

The 14 children of Fukushima lawsuit live and go to school in these red areas where if at Chernobyl accident they would have been forced to evacuate by the government. Considering the strict measures the Russian government mandated, the children of Fukushima deserve the same care the Russian children were granted. They should not have to stay in such a dangerous area. They need to be relocated by the government en masse to a safe area immediately.

The verdict of our appeal is expected soon. The judgment will have consequences not only for the 14 children, who are the plaintiffs of the lawsuit, but also for all the children in Fukushima exposed to the danger of internal exposure.

Please join us in appealing people all over Japan, and all over the world in support of the lawsuit to save the children of Fukushima. Please support our action to bring justice to children whose right to safety and survival is unduly violated!

Please click in the check box □ next to “approve” to express your agreement with the appeal of the children.
※ You only have to click in the box □. Nothing else is needed.
※ If you have already signed the written petition you can still click in the “approve” check box as the two petitions are different.
※ This petition cannot be signed using mobile devices. Please use a computer.
※ The four other check boxes are “approve” written in Japanese, Chinese, Korean and Russian.
※ We encourage you to forward the URL of the post to all your friends where ever they may be in the world.

7 件のコメント:

  1. I support this cause wholeheartedly.

  2. このコメントは投稿者によって削除されました。

  3. Thank you for your support. I (Yumi Kikuchi, founder Global Peace Campaign, Tokyo Peace Film Festival etc) am supporting this lawsuit.
    Children in Fukushima have right to live and study in safer place. Hope you sign and pass this on to your friends.

  4. Steve and I walked to Boston 200miles on September 4th to 19th, (for 16days) for the petition to save the Children of Fukushima from radiation exposure and demand the right of evacuation. I started this action thinking of my nephews and nieces living in Fukushima, as at that time I didn’t know any other way to draw attention for the petition to save them.
    After our action, Walk for Fukushima, to tell you the truth, my feeling was down and disappointed looking at Japanese Government’s reaction thinking our message to protect children from radiation would not reach them. Japanese Government changed the evaluation zone to minimized they took off 20 –30 km zone and only 20km made the evacuation zone form Fukushima Daiichi. We still hear many children living in Fukushima City, Koriyama, and Shirakawa are going to school for now.

    I knew recently that there were ongoing lawsuits in Fukushima, for example one filed on behalf of ‘14 children of Fukushima, and the plaintiffs’ they appeal that children of Fukushima should not stay in a dangerous area. They need to be relocated en masse to a safe area with immediate effect.
    I think, this is the firmest way to pursue the right of the evacuation. We have to realize how important this case is. If a right of evacuation will be admitted by the court, we will be able to legally exercise this right. Not only Fukushima but also all Japanese residents will be able to be covered by the ruling. Furthermore, it will be a significant step toward eliminating nuclear power plants in all of Japan.

    A verdict is expected soon. The judgment will have consequences not only for the 14 children, who are the plaintiffs of the lawsuit, but also for all the children in Fukushima exposed to the danger of internal exposure. They are asking for support and donations for to help this lawsuit against Japanese government. Our voices of approval will be a big support to them.

  5. i am glad that things seem to be finally moving after the request to the un in september by green action japan!
    great cause!!

  6. I live in California. What can I do to help you ?

    Joanne Miller
    12 sunup . irvine . ca 92603
    949 2850989
