
告知 ①官邸前抗議 2月19日(水)17時30分~18時15分 ②新宿アルタ前街宣 3月1日(土)14時~15時 ー東海第二原発いらない一斉行動ーに参加


【2.23デモ速報】 オーストリア首相からのメッセージ

オーストリア政府は、昨年10月30日、ジュネーブの国連人権委員会で、日本の人権侵害状況を審査するUPR(審査)の場で、「福島住民の健康の権利守れ」 という勧告を表明した唯一の政府です(->朝日の記事。 (※)ブログ関連記事

拝啓 2013217日付で当課宛にお送りいただいたメールを受領いたしましたことをご連絡申し上げます。




オーストリア連邦首相府市民課 Citizens Service of the Federal Chancellor


The Citizens・Service of the Austrian Federal Chancellor confirms
receipt of your e-mail of February 17th, 2013.

On behalf of Federal Chancellor Werner Faymann, we would like to thank you for the
information regarding your protest rally in support of the children of Fukushima. 
The tragic events unfolding beginning with March 11th, 2011 had severe consequences
for the lives of millions. Children are, as stated in the quote by Noam Chomsky headlining your website, the most vulnerable members of society. We sincerely hope conditions can be established which provide the children of Fukushima with the best of protection and assistance.

Generally, we would like to state that the Austrian Federal Government considers nuclear technology not adequately controllable by man and the risks beyond control.
Therefore, the Federal Chancellor is of the opinion that the whole of Europe and the
world should abandon nuclear energy as quickly as possible.

We hope we have been of assistance.

                                                 Yours sincerely,

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